Monday, May 2, 2016

2016's Fake Presidential Primaries

     This joke going on right now that the mass media is calling a Presidential election is not funny. As a matter of fact it never was. It's sad is what it is. Its embarrassing and we need to make it stop. We have to. The rest of the world is viewing this as our IQ test and it cannot look good. I think I saw that in a meme but it's an excellent point so I had to repeat it. I wish I knew who wrote it so I could friend them on Facebook. Bottom line it is embarrassing to a country that is supposed to be the shining worldwide example of Democracy. To say the very least, it does not look good for America right now.
     The majority of people see whats going on for what is is. Some just feel that something is wrong and the rest have their heads buried in the sand. Its the last group that we need to focus on. We have to wake them up. It's the only way to stop this. We're not just taking back our democracy in this election. To do that we need as many people aware and active as possible. Nothing of value ever happens without the people demanding it. We are trying to not only take our country back but change the world around us as well. So now that we have established what we need to do lets talk a little about how to accomplish it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

9/11 Was An Inside Job Proof

9/11 was an inside job. That is not a conspiracy theory. It is a provable fact. As a matter of fact, and I am going to keep this as short as I can, I'm going to prove it right here. I am at the very least going to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a new and independent investigation needs to take place.

1. Building 7

A lot of people don't even know that a 3rd building fell on 9/11. The Soloman Brothers building, also known as WTC7, fell to the ground into its own footprint at freefall speed against the laws of physics, fell about 3 hours after the last main WTC tower collapsed to dust. WTC7 was never hit by a plane. It suffered minor structural damage when the main towers fell but did have multiple office fires. WTC7 wasn't just the third steel framed skyscraper to collapse due to fire, they are the only 3 ever. You'd think we'd want a proper investigation just to prevent it from happening ever again. Over 2000 engineers, builders, and physicists agree as well.

2. Hijackers Still Alive

15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 from the FBI list are still alive and well. This is a fact. Look it up for yourselves please. I urge you to. As a matter of fact I have a link on the right to 9/ and it is a FABULOUS wealth of information on 9/11. These hijackers being alive is known and documented yet the list has never been changed or updated.

Welcome To S.T.T.B.

Welcome to Sifting Through The Bullsh*t. The point of this blog is to dig through all the BS in the mainstream media and the internet to attempt to find the truth. We may miss the mark sometimes but we will always own up to it and move on towards getting closer to the real truth. I hope you like it here and feel free to participate and comment. Thanks for visiting!